Hanson Robotics


Custom Character Robot

BINA48 is a humanoid robot, consisting of a bust-like head and shoulders mounted on a frame, developed by Hanson Robotics and released in 2010. BINA48 was modeled after Bina Aspen through more than one hundred hours in compiling all of her memories, feelings, and beliefs. BINA48 engages in conversation with other humans, such as offering an emotional account of her brother’s personality changes after returning home from the Vietnam War.

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About Bina

With 48 exaflops per second processing speed and 48 exabytes of memory, BINA48’s AI is based on 100 hours of the real Bina’s beliefs, memories, attitudes, commentary and mannerisms. Her ability to socially interact with people has been well documented and heavily examined in the academic literature, and it has also been the center of mainstream media speculation about future robot development.

In 2017, she made history: She is the first robot ever to enroll in and successfully complete a college level class, a philosophy course at Notre Dame de Namur University, in California.

Today, Bina also serves Rothblatt’s Terrasem Foundation, where she participates in AI and consciousness experiments as part of the LifeNaut project.